The first mentions of coppersmiths’ craft in Sarajevo are dating from 1489, and it is seems it came to Bosnia and Herzegovina with the arrival of Ottoman Turks. Coppersmiths’ Street (Kazandziluk) is at the same place as it used to be in 16th century, when it had been founded. It is among the oldest streets of Sarajevo and the masters of coppersmiths’ craft makes art of copper there for centuries.

In this famous Sarajevo’s street coppersmiths’ store „Kazandzija Sakib Bascausevic“ is at the same place, Kazandziluk no. 3, for more than 120 years. It is really easy to find us by just following the sound of hammering while masters of this handcraft, coppersmiths, are shaping and decorating its copperware. 

Coppersmiths’ craft in the family Bascausevic is passed on from generation to generation for decades. Our master coppersmith, Sakib Bascausevic, is the fourth descendant of this family who makes unique handmade copper products with love and care, just for you.

In our store you will find various different products, mainly dishes, coffee sets, flower vases, decorative boxes, vine glasses, beer mugs and many other interesting pieces in different shapes and sizes. Some of those will be tin-plated, silver-plated or gold-plated, but all of them are handmade of copper and decorated by ornaments, geometrical and flower patterns, that gives an artistic dimension to those products. 

Our desire is to offer you a piece of the Bosnian tradition, spirit of a former life in this part of the World, through handcrafts unique in its original appearance
and quality, handcrafts that you will admire and cherish, handcrafts that will
always remind you of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our unique and handmade products are easy to recognize by its beauty, quality of workmanship, and of course, by the symbol we mark them.
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